Registration Form

Asociación Murciana para el Estudio de la Paleoantropología y el Cuaternario. Registred in the Murcian Regional Government Register of Associations. CIF.: G7376434

Our aims
Our Association's aims are to promote, stimulate, develop and advance scientific, cultural and social activities, as widely as possible, which are related to the study and diffusion of the Quaternary and Palaeoanthropology, paying attention to human, palaeontological, archaeological, palaeoenvironmental, geological, and palaeoecological remains, and offering assistance in Murcia to organizations, institutions and activities with similar concerns.

To achieve those aims the Association will develop such activities as may serve to promote, stimulate, develop or assist activities, methodologies and developments in the study of Palaeoanthropology and the Quaternary, offer assistance to those organizations and institutions in the Murcian Region involved in similar matters, and undertake activities such as excavations, field-work, and palaeoanthropological, archaeological, palaeontological, palaeoenvironmental or geological studies concerning the Quaternary, and the preparation of material for scientific study or public display, as well as fostering those activities and the diffusion, publication, reproduction and documentation of findings, and journeys and exchanges in order to promote collaboration or scientific or cultural representation, and to promote courses of study, excursions, visits, or other appropriate activities.

Surname, Name :

D.N.I. :

Email Address (requested)

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Mobile Phone :

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