Category Archives: Actividades

Teachers and students from “Universidad Internacional del Mar” visit Sima de las Palomas

IMG_3633Last Monday, 26 of april 2013, a group of teachers and students from “Universidad Internacional del Mar” signed to the course “Un recorrido por el Patrimonio Histórico-Arqueológico Regional” visit “Sima de las Palomas” site in “Cabezo Gordo” , Torre Pacheco-Murcia.

On occasion of the 30th anniversary of the “Universidad del Mar” and to emphasize the role played by this organization during its 30 years of courses, a group of activities have been organized. These cultural activities are representative of the town halls that participate in the courses, and they are complementary to the regular courses offered by the “Universidad del Mar”.

IMG_3649One of these activities is called “ Un recorrido por el Patrimonio Histórico-Arqueológico Regional”, directed by Jose Antonio Gómez Hernández and José Miguel García Cano, and Francisco Ramos Martínez acting as secretary.

The program of this activity last until September the 12th (information available at, and has started with the visit to “Sima de las Palomas”. During the visit, supported by Michael Walker and Mariano López,  both codirectors of the scientific program of the archaeological site, all participants  learned about the finds made at this site, the most important Neanderthal site in the Mediterranean arch and one of the most important human fossil sites in the Iberian Peninsula.

“La Cueva Negra” documentary. Projection and talk followed by a discussion in Lorca

20 March, 2013

3cartel_cueva_negraThe computer animation documentary  “La Cueva Negra” produced by “fundación Integra” will be projected next March 20th, 2013, at 20:00 in “Aula de Cultura de Cajamurcia” in Lorca city.

After the projection, a talk followed by a discussion will be hold by the biologist Jon Ortega and the archaeologist Francisco Ramos and Mariano López.
