Category Archives: Noticias

Archaeological fieldwork carries on in “Rambla Perea”

RamblaPerea2013From April the 1st to April the 28th, an excavation is being held in the sites “Finca Doña Martina” y “La Boja”, both of them found in the area known as “Rambla Perea” near the murcian city of Mula. For one more year the aim of the project, directed by Joao Zilhao, is to add information about the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Murcia Region.

The rock shelters of Finca Doña Martina (FDM) y La Boja (ADB) present Upper Paleolithic sequences under excavation. FDM has an Epi-magdalenian level over a thick Upper Solutrean package, dated by radiocarbon technique to 23000 cal BP. This Solutrean level is separated from the bedrock under it by a unit with an archaeological content which is assigned, in a provisional way, to be Gravetian. ADB sequence starts with a possibly Upper Magdalenian level, which is followed by a thick sterile level on top of a solutrean sequence. At the base of a test pit that went down 2.5 metres below the surface, it was discovered a level rich in personal ornaments and lacking in backed elements, which is provisionally assigned to the Lower Solutrean on the basis of a radiocarbon date of ca. 25000 cal. BP.

“La Cueva Negra” documentary presented in Lorca

IMG_3581In the context of the XXI anniversary of  Lorca archaeological museum, “La Cueva Negra. Murcia region almost one million years ago” documentary was presented in the assembly hall of the “Cajamurcia” Foundation in Lorca last March the 20th, 2013.


This documentary, which was produced by the “Integra” foundation, takes the spectator to a remote period close to one million years ago in Murcia. It recreates the discoveries made by the scientific work in the site called “La Cueva Negra del Río Quipar” in Caravaca de la cruz, Murcia.


Ms Sandra Martínez, councilwoman of Lorca city council, in charge of Culture and festivities, attended the act, which was presented by Andrés Martínez, director of Lorca archaeological museum and Alfonso García, projects director of the “Integra” foundation.


IMG_3572After the documentary, Jon Ortega and Mariano López, from the Mupantquat association, introduced scientific aspects of the Cueva Negra site. And Francisco Ramos, from Arqueoweb company, gave a talk titled “Archaeology and TV”. After both talks, assintants and speakers hold a colloquium about the documentary and the topics introduced.

Public presentation of the course “La Sima de las Palomas and the human evolution in the SE Spain during the Pleistocene”

IMG_3551Last Wednesday, March 20th, in the Torre Pacheco Council Chamber, the program of activities of the “Universidad Internacional del Mar (Universidad de Murcia)”,  for the year 2013 in Torre Pacheco headquarter,  was officially presented. The program has the collaboration of the Mupantquat association and the “Concejalía de Educación y Sanidad”.

The public presentation was introduced by D. Daniel García Madrid, mayor of Torre Pacheco (Murcia); D. Fernando Martín Rubio, Vice Chancellor of the University of Murcia; Dª Mª Carmen Martínez Graciá, headmaster of the “Universidad Internacional del Mar” and the directors of the courses in the program, including Dr. Michael J. Walker, from the University of Murcia.


The course will be hold from April, 27th to May,1st in the “Centro de Artes Escénicas (CAES)” in Torre Pacheco (Paseo Villa Esperanza 23, Torre Pacheco), with the following program:

Theory lessons and labs

–          “Historia de un yacimiento singular: La Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo de Torre Pacheco”. Prof.: Mariano López Martínez.

–          “Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la comunicación al servicio de la Paleoantropología”. Prof.: Sergio Albaladejo

–          “Taller de creación de una Unidad Didáctica”. Prof.: Antonio López y Azucena Avilés.

–          “Cómo se crearon el Cabezo Gordo y la Sima de las Palomas. Geología del entorno”. Prof.: Tomar Rodríguez Estrella.

–          “¿Quiénes eran los neandertales?”. Prof.: María Haber Uriarte

–          “Los neandertales de la Sima de las Palomas”. Prof.: Michael J. Walker

–          “Avances metodológicos en la preparación y visualización de los restos humanos”. Prof.: Jon Ortega Rodrigañez

–          “Evolución vegetal durante el Cuaternario en el Sureste”. Prof.: Santiago Fernández

–          “El Paleolítico medio y los neandertales”. Prof.: Mariano López Martínez

–          “La traceología: Análisis de huellas de uso en la Industria lítica de Sima de las Palomas”. Prof.:Ignacio Martín Lerma

–          “Paleontología en rellenos karsticos. El caso de la Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo”. Prof.: Gregorio Romero

–          “Exposición de Unidades didácticas”. Prof.: Antonio López

–          Cambios climáticos, cambios biogeográficos y la dispersión humana desde África y dentro de Eurasia”. Prof.: Jan Van der Made




–          “Proyección documental La Cueva Negra. Audiovisual de animación y documentales científicos”

–           “Proyección del documental de PBS Nova “Decoding Neandertals”.


“La Cueva Negra” documentary. Projection and talk followed by a discussion in Lorca

20 March, 2013

3cartel_cueva_negraThe computer animation documentary  “La Cueva Negra” produced by “fundación Integra” will be projected next March 20th, 2013, at 20:00 in “Aula de Cultura de Cajamurcia” in Lorca city.

After the projection, a talk followed by a discussion will be hold by the biologist Jon Ortega and the archaeologist Francisco Ramos and Mariano López.

“Cueva Negra” in the XVI edition of the Cinema festival of Malaga

festivaldemalagaThe animation documentary about the arqueological site called “Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar”, produced by the murcian “Integra” foundation, has been selected to participate in “Animazine” section, as part of the XVI edition of the Malaga festival.

The documentary is based on the scientific discoveries made on the site during more than 20 years of investigation.

The “Animazine” section has the target of presenting the best animation new Cinema from Spain, according to Carlos Biern, president of the Association of Animation producers (
