MUPANTQUAT in the Murcian Region in 2012-2013
Following official registration in Murcia of our Association on June 27th 2012, the first official MUPANTQUAT activity took place during our excavations at Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar on July 19th 2012. It took the form of a reception with invited guests held at a nearby hotel for Professor Bernard Wood of George Washington University who was invested as the Association’s first Honorary Member, accompanied by a preview of the animated documentary film “Cueva Negra” produced by the public Murcian Integra Foundation, the scientific basis for which was provided by our excavation findings at Cueva Negra.…
Teachers and students from “Universidad Internacional del Mar” visit Sima de las Palomas
Fieldwork inscription is still open for Cueva Negra and Sima de las Palomas fieldwork campaign 2013
The Field School for Quaternary Palaeoanthropology and Prehistory of Murcia, S.E. Spain, still has seats available for this season. Starting July 2nd 2013, we will be digging in Cueva Negra del Río Quipar and Sima de las Palomas. Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Rio Quipar is a pre-neanderthal site dated close to one million years.…
Archaeological fieldwork carries on in “Rambla Perea”
From April the 1st to April the 28th, an excavation is being held in the sites “Finca Doña Martina” y “La Boja”, both of them found in the area known as “Rambla Perea” near the murcian city of Mula. For one more year the aim of the project, directed by Joao Zilhao, is to add information about the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Murcia Region.…