Field school

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La Cueva Negra

Un documental de la Fundación Integra

Public presentation of the course “La Sima de las Palomas and the human evolution in the SE Spain during the Pleistocene”

IMG_3551Last Wednesday, March 20th, in the Torre Pacheco Council Chamber, the program of activities of the “Universidad Internacional del Mar (Universidad de Murcia)”,  for the year 2013 in Torre Pacheco headquarter,  was officially presented. The program has the collaboration of the Mupantquat association and the “Concejalía de Educación y Sanidad”.…

“La Cueva Negra” documentary. Projection and talk followed by a discussion in Lorca

20 March, 2013

3cartel_cueva_negraThe computer animation documentary  “La Cueva Negra” produced by “fundación Integra” will be projected next March 20th, 2013, at 20:00 in “Aula de Cultura de Cajamurcia” in Lorca city.

After the projection, a talk followed by a discussion will be hold by the biologist Jon Ortega and the archaeologist Francisco Ramos and Mariano López.…

“Cueva Negra” in the XVI edition of the Cinema festival of Malaga

festivaldemalagaThe animation documentary about the arqueological site called “Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar”, produced by the murcian “Integra” foundation, has been selected to participate in “Animazine” section, as part of the XVI edition of the Malaga festival.

The documentary is based on the scientific discoveries made on the site during more than 20 years of investigation.…

Next July, 2nd will restart the excavations in the paleoanthropological sites of Cueva Negra and Sima de las Palomas

18DSCN1798The fieldschool about paleoanthropology and prehistory of the quaternary in Murcia will start this 2003 season next Tuesday, July the 2nd 2013, welcoming the group of volunteers arriving from different parts of the world to Caravaca.


From July the 3rd to July the 22nd we will excavate the site of Cueva Negra del Río Quipar in Caravaca.…

“Cueva Negra” in the Archaeological museum Enrique Escudero de Castro in Cartagena.

1_tarjetonpresentacioncartagenaThe animated documentary “Cueva Negra”, produced by the murcian “Integra” foundation, was presented last Thursday February the 21st, 2013 in the municipal archaeological museum of Cartagena.


“Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quipar” is a very important paleoanthropological site found in Caravaca de la Cruz.…
